Here are all my appearances on the stage and screen (and TV!). Some of these films are so rare that they may not be easily found, but my true fans know where to look! I'm so proud of my body of work. I feel that my contribution to the world as an actress has truly made a difference in the lives of my fans. Without me, their existence would mean nothing. HIGH SCHOOL HORNDOGS Naked girl #4 For this role, I had to truly delve deep into my psyche and create a whole new personality for the character. I named her Ruth, for the Biblical character, because of the whole 'water/re-birth' aspects of the role. I can be seen in the background of the shower scene (I'm the one soaping up my breasts while another girl washes my back), but my touching scene with the girl's track coach was sadly cut just before the film opened. I'm hoping that one day the DVD version will replace my stunningly candid scene. DEATH BITCH IX--THE ANNIHILATION Hooker #2 This role was such a stretch for me. How does a small-town girl turned Hollywood actress possibly get into the mindset of a woman who will use her beauty and her body in order to make money? Impossible, one would think, yet I managed to find that part of myself somewhere deep inside. As a result, I created a fully-rounded character who despises a world that would force her to sell her body, yet takes pride in her work. This film marks my first on-screen death scene; I feel that I brought true pathos to the scene where my character is strangled by a killer john. Fun fact: if you look closely, you can see a tear in my eye as I die. I thought that added the crowning touch of realism. SORORITY CAR WASH 3--LET'S GET WET! Debi Ah, this role is one of my favorites. Debi is the best friend of Taylor, president of the sorority--and in fact, it's her idea to have the college's first topless car wash! Sadly enough, I never had the opportunity to go to college, but I have a feeling it would have been a lot like this movie. In my big scene, I scrub the class nerd's windshield with my breasts--the script called for Debi to use her rear end to scrub with, but I felt that my character would rather use her breasts. It was a challenge to convince Vinnie the director, but he saw my points and agreed. As a result, I think the movie has a much cleaner, clearer message. STRIPPED TO KILL 5--ROOT OF EVIL Kat Ah, this is the film that introduced my dancing talents to the world. I researched my role at "Shake-a-Booty" in downtown L.A. and found that lapdancing is not just is an artform. I was able to use my junior high cheerleading skills to create the subtle, highly choreographed dance numbers that won me my first "Golden G-String" award. This film is also notable for my second death scene, where Kat is stabbed by a killer patron. I found the director's use of blood rivulets dripping over my naked breasts to be breathtakingly bold and evocative. DOING IT 2--LET'S GET NAKED! Tami Playing Tami will always be special to me, because that character is my inner child. Tami's innocence as the last virgin in school touched me in a place I'd long forgotten. The scene in which she gives the flower of her innocence to Biff, the quarterback, brought tears to my eyes as we filmed it--which, I thought, lent the scene a startling realism and truth. Critics have charged that Tami's nudity through much of the film was unnecessary and I can only say that I found it symbolic of her childish freedom and naivite. Plus, I wore a lace g-string, so I wasn't COMPLETELY naked. BAYWATCH (TV) Girl #3 My first television appearance. My character loved the water, so much so that she has devoted her life to becoming the best life guard on the beach. If you watch closely, you can see me running into the water in the background in a scene with Hasselhoff and Anderson. Challenging role, yes, but one in which I feel I triumphed. HO STALKER 3 Prostitute #1 I built on my earlier experience in "Death Bitch IX" to create a fully-rounded character in this film. I wanted to make the gritty, street-wise nature of her character vulnerable and soft at the same time...which is precisely why I chose to go with the pink hot-pants/halter top combination instead of the black leather that the director wanted. My death scene in this film still brings a tear to my eye when I watch it; never have I portrayed a victim with such clarity and truth. When the killer john slits my throat, you can actually see the regret of a life spent on the street in my eyes. Simply stunning. WITCH HUNT 5--BURNED AT THE STAKE Simone This film marked my entry into the horror market--and I love being a scream queen! Of course, the character of "Simone" is very dark and evil, so I had to really stretch to find the core of her character. Fun fact: my nude dance around the cauldron of blood earned me my second "Golden G-String" PLUS the opportunity to trod the boards on stage at "Shake-a-Booty" in a two month gig. WITCH HUNT 4--THE EVIL RETURNS AGAIN Sindy Since the character of Simone was decapitated, disemboweled, and burned at the stake at the end of "Witch Hunt 3", the producers brought me back as Simone's good sister, Sindy, who is possessed by Simone's ghost. I felt that the close-up shots of my breasts in this movie only strengthed the director's message of spirituality, despite what the critics have said. BLOOD ORGY OF THE WITCH Syndra I got to go to Europe to make this film, which is one of my favorites. I found Europe to be so much more in touch with the artiste within. Over there, I have one fan club that begged me for a lock of my hair! Of course, I allowed each member to have one (for only $5 each) because that's just how I am with my fans. This film is not available in the States yet, sadly enough, because of the director's clash with the MPAA. Apparently the United States is too prudish for full-frontal sex scenes. DON'T GO INTO THE CLOSET 2 Sinthia I simply cherished this role. As Sinthia, the innocent babysitter, I got in touch with my maternal instincts. During this shoot, I adopted my beloved Miffins. Unfortunately, Miffins developed a horrible personality disorder after two weeks and I had to have the poor kitty put to sleep after he destroyed my best leather corset. BUT THE BEST IS YET TO COME, FANS! I'LL BE COMING TO YOUR VIDEO STORE SOON IN THREE NEW MOVIES: WICKED HEAT 2 In this erotic thriller, I play Kimmi, an exotic dancer with a deadly taste for adventure. I hope to win a third "Golden G-String" for my 'Python Dance' sequence. WITCH HUNT 8--NAKED DEATH In my third appearance in this wonderful series, I play Synda, a psychic who can only receive visions of the witches' murders while she is in the shower. It is a brilliant role that I found most challenging. HIGH SCHOOL HORNDOGS 4--BACK TO SCHOOL Returning to my roots, I play Coach Amber, the girl's phys. ed. teacher who takes a special interest in helping the school nerd, Pee-Wee, build up the courage to run for Prom King. This role is truly one of my classics; I am Pee-Wee's teacher, lover, friend...and my portrayal of a woman on the edge of maturity is simply awesome.

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