I was born on a cold winter's night in a small-town near Columbus, Ohio. The doctor said I was the most beautiful baby girl he had ever seen...and that was the first sign of the things to come in my life. My beauty has always been somewhat of a cross to bear. As a child, my naturally wavy, cornsilk blonde hair made many of the girls hate me. Especially when I blossomed into a lovely teenager, with flawless skin and perfectly straight teeth. I did so try to make friends with all the uglier girls, but they just didn't accept me. Why, whenever I wasn't out on dates with the football team or the basketball squad, I was crying myself to sleep every night, staining my silk pillows with my lonely teardrops. I knew at the age of 14 that I was destined to become a star. Certainly, everyone who saw me always claimed that I should become a model, as beautiful as I was. How could I argue? So at 15, once my Daddy recovered from his nervous breakdown after Mother ran away with Pete the house painter, I traveled alone to the big city of Columbus, ready to become a model. Sure, Daddy went into debt buying my modeling clothes and paying photographers to create my absolutely stunning portfolio, but he believed in my talent and beauty almost as much as I did. If not for my darling Daddy, God rest his soul, I would not be the star that I am today. Being a model was much harder than I thought it would be. It's so hard to be pretty all the time. And then there were all the gorgeous clothes I had to put on and take off...it was almost a relief when Bob (the photographer) told me I could just keep them OFF! And thank goodness he did, because those pictures landed me my first big acting job! After appearing in the shower scene in "High School Horndogs", I worked with some of the most brilliant directors in Hollywood. They are such artists that I feel humbled to even know them. My nudity in those films is so necessary to the plot that I truly feel that without me, the films just would not have worked on such a visceral, artistic level. Drop by my filmography for a full list of my body of work. Today, I'm busy, busy, busy making personal appearances at conventions, opening supermarkets in my hometown, signing autographed photos (available for $5 each from my fan club), and--of course!--going to auditions. Right now, I've got three major roles lined up...see my "Latest News" link for details...and wish me luck! |  |